
Junior Market Lambs

Superintendent: John Slaughter (575)635-0700
Judge: Clay Burson

 Entries must be submitted online by September 15, 2018 at 11:59pm
 Late entries will be accepted with a $25 charge.

  1. Wethers and ewes are eligible to show.

  2. There will not be a minimum or maximum weight.

  3. All market lambs will be weighted, classified and tagged by the lamb committee. This weight will be official.  There is no weight back.

  4. All market lambs are to slick shorn prior to check-in and are to be shown with no more than ¼ inch of uniform fleece over the body.  No blocking, flat backs, etc. will be permitted.  Longer fleece is permissible on the head and below the hocks and knees.

  5. The number of animals in each class will be determined based on the number of animals at check-in.

  6. Judging will not start until all lambs that are to be judged are in the show ring or do not respond after the third call.

  7. Only Champion of each breed will show for the Grand Champion. Reserve Grand Champion will be selected from the remaining Champion animals of each breed, plus the Reserve Champion of the breed division producing the Grand Champion.

  8. Exhibitors eligible for the sale must sell their highest placing animals.

  9. If necessary the lambs may be moved to another breed in the following manner.
            -Fine wool to Fine wool cross
            -Fine wool cross to Medium wool
            -Southdown to Medium wool

  10. All exhibitors are responsible for the daily care (feed and water) until the end of the show. Anyone caught leaving the anumal uncared for will have a $100.00 a day charge from the El Paso County Fair.

Show Order:

  • Class - Fine Wool (Fleece grade 64's or finer)
  • Class - Fine Wool Crossbred (any crossbred showing 50% 
  • Class - Fine Wool (fleece should grade 62’s or below)
  • Class - Medium Wool
  • Class - Southdown


If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at

Updated 7.25.2018